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CloudOnce v2.7.5
Unified Game Services API
Classes | |
class | AchievementsBridge |
Provides a bridge between C# code and the CloudOnceAchievements iOS plug-in. More... | |
class | CloudOnceEvents |
class | CloudProviderBase |
Base class for the Cloud service providers. More... | |
class | ConflictResolver |
Handles data conflict resolution. More... | |
class | CurrencyValue |
Data-class to store currency value. More... | |
class | DataManager |
Stores and retrieves key-value pairs. Serializes and deserializes GameData to/from the cloud and the local disk. In case of conflicts it uses ConflictResolver to figure out what data to keep and what to discard. More... | |
class | GameData |
Container class for the data the DataManager manages ;) More... | |
class | iCloudBridge |
Provides a bridge between C# code and the CloudOnceSave iOS plug-in. More... | |
class | iCloudListener |
Used to listen for messages from the CloudOnceSave iOS plug-in. More... | |
interface | IJsonConvertible |
interface | IJsonDeserializable |
interface | IJsonSerializable |
interface | IPersistent |
Used by cloud preferences to facilitate loading and saving of data. More... | |
class | JsonHelper |
Helper methods for serialization and deserialization More... | |
class | JSONObject |
class | PersistentCurrency |
A currency that is stored in the cloud. More... | |
class | PersistentValue |
A preference that is stored in the cloud. More... | |
class | SyncableCurrency |
Handles virtual currencies. Keeps a record of all the earnings and purchases for every device the user has. This way the balance should always be accurate. More... | |
class | SyncableItem |
Data-class for regular cloud preferences. Takes care of serialization and deserialization of the data. The value can be reset to default or altered. More... | |
class | SyncableItemMetaData |
Holds data about a SyncableItem. More... | |
class | UnexpectedCollectionElementTypeException |
Used by the DataManager when a value type is not as expected. This will usually mean that the same Key has been used for more than one cloud preference, or that something has gone wrong during serialization/deserialization. More... | |
class | UnifiedAchievement |
A cross-platform achievement. Class has methods for unlocking, revealing and incrementing the achievement that will work for all supported platforms. Only intended to be used by CloudOnce internal classes. More... | |
class | UnifiedLeaderboard |
A cross-platform leaderboard. Class has a method for submitting score that will work for all supported platforms. Only intended to be used by CloudOnce internal classes. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | CloudPlatform { NotSupported , iOS , GooglePlay } |
enum | InternetConnectionStatus { Connected , Disconnected , Unstable } |
enum | DataType : short { Bool , Double , Float , Int , String , UInt , Long , Decimal } |
Used in serialization of GameData. All the data needs to be converted to strings, so we need to know what type each value was to be able to reconstruct it. | |
enum | KvStoreChangeReason { ServerChange , InitialSyncChange , QuotaViolationChange , AccountChange } |
Functions | |
delegate void | BoolCallbackDelegate (bool success) |
delegate void | LoadAchievementsDelegate (bool success, int count) |